Action Center
Take action to ensure that every member of every school community is valued and respected
Together, we are a movement of action-takers. We are students, educators, faith leaders, families, and community members who know that we can be effective when we work together, use our voices, and center the experiences of LGBTQ youth in policy change. We envision a future where LGBTQ students feel safe and affirmed at school, and we’re asking you to join us in creating it right now.
Equality Act Advocacy Toolkit
The Equality Act amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other civil rights laws to cement federal nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people in housing, employment, public education, credit, public spaces, jury service, and all federally funded programs. For the first time in history, this legislation will also prohibit discrimination against women in public spaces and federal programs, and racial and religious discrimination in public spaces.
The Equality Act was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives for the second time in the Spring of 2021. Now, we must mobilize to ensure that it is passed in the Senate and signed into law. This toolkit provides a step-by-step guide to getting a meeting with your Senator on the Equality Act, including template emails and telephone scripts, fact sheets, and other resources.
Local Bullying and Harassment Prevention Policy Assessment Project
As part of GLSEN’s ongoing efforts to ensure LGBTQ+ students are protected from bullying and harassment, the policy assessment project provides an opportunity for GLSEN Chapters and other grassroots volunteers to collect and assess important information about local education agency (LEA), often named school districts, bullying and harassment prevention policies.
Know Your Rights
No matter what you may have heard in the past, harassment and discrimination against LGBTQ+ students and educators are against the law. Here is what you need to know.