Model Laws and Policies
GLSEN advocates for making schools safer for LGBTQ young students through the passage of laws and policies that protect them from harassment, bullying, and discrimination.
GLSEN has created a toolkit of evidence-based model policies based on what’s working across the country and what our expertise shows us will make schools safer for all students, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. Our policy toolkit is intended for application and adaptation to any community, at any scale. Bring our policy resources to your superintendent or principal, your school board, or even your state legislature to advocate for policies to support safe and affirming schools for all.
If you’re interested in making your school a safer space, we’re here to help. GLSEN has developed and made available a range of tools for individuals and groups working at any level to implement a safe schools campaign.
These tools have all the information you need to advocate for change, including:
- Sample legislation that might be introduced at the state level
- The components that make up a comprehensive safe schools law or policy
- Examples of school policies that support LGBTQ students in school districts across the country
- Reasons why it’s vital to identify and expand the categories of students protected from bullying and harassment and ways to answer challenging questions about the importance of such enumerated policies